

Hi, I’m Greg Quicke and I’m delighted you are here on my site checking it out. 

I’ve had a few “ahaaa” moments about lots of things in my life, just as I’m sure you have. I’ve been sharing a few of mine about our place in the universe with groups of people for a few years now. I love watching peoples eyes light up when they have a few “ahaas” of their own and this is what tends to happen when we come together under the stars at Astro Tours. 

On my way to making a living as an astronomer, I’ve had lots of fun just doing whatever the next thing seemed to be. I went from high school to James Cook University to do Marine Biology. I got bored fairly quickly with looking in microscopes so I quit and went pearl diving in Broome instead. That was fun and I figured out how the tides work from watching the moon while I was at it. This was my first real astronomical step.

I like figuring things out and because I’ve always ridden motorcycles, I figured out how to keep them going. This ability extended fairly quickly into my next career as a mechanic fixing bikes, cars and trucks. I eventually ran my own business servicing Mack and Kenworth trucks, Harley Davidsons and heavy earthmoving gear. This work often took me out of Broome and into the wilder parts of the Kimberley region where standard sleeping arrangements are a swag under the stars. The only roof available and the only one needed for most of the year, was the Milky Way. I didn’t know anything about stars when I started although like anybody else, I was easily blown away with wonder and awe at the incredibly beautiful starscapes of the Kimberley.

I got to figuring things out again and started tuning in to the movements of the earth travelling through space. This really blew me away and the internal workings of a Harley v-twin started to look a bit too easy. I bought a telescope. It was big. Everyone wanted to look in it. I started talking, thinking that I was saying things that everyone already knew. “keep talking” was the response, so after a few years of encouragement from friends, fellow business colleagues and interested corporate and individual customers, I started Astro Tours in July of 1995.

The rest is history and Astro Tours continues to delight me in its ability to reach people in powerful yet simple ways while providing me with the means to continue sharing the simple insights that still pour quite regularly into the top of my head. I’m writing a book on a life spent amongst the stars, I’m running star shows, I’m presenting to school groups, corporate groups and to amazingly switched on groups of people who come together seemingly at random to join my regular shows.

I’m still riding bikes, surfing, I love my garden, chi gung on cable beach in the mornings and meditating in rhythm with the moon cycle. Amidst the chaos, the stars and planets are regular and display an amazing synchronicity, harmony and resonance with each other. It seems to me that everything is exactly in its right place, having exactly the right relationships with exactly the right timings so it may be worth considering that we are too.

